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What is Smart Charging?

Our journey towards an electric travel future is both necessary and exciting. As the adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) grows, so does the need to manage their ecosystem. From efficiently charging EVs to maintaining a stable electric grid, one question arises: 'How do we manage it all?'

An Intelligent Solution for a Connected Ecosystem

As the number of EVs on the road increases, the demand for electric supply to charge them rises, too. However, managing this demand can put an extra load on the energy grid, requiring more electricity. This is where the concept of smart charging comes into play.

Understanding Smart Charging

In simple terms, Smart Charging is the approach to manage EV charging in a way that keeps the power grid healthy.

When EVs are plugged in for charging, smart charging provides insights into charging details, such as charging duration, speed, and more. This data, combined with grid information, is sent to a centralized cloud platform for charging management. This information is converted into actionable steps to benefit EV owners and the grid. How? Let's find out!


Smart Charging in Action

When there are multiple EVs parked at the charging stations, charging can happen during times of the day when there is less demand (off-peak hours) instead of high-demand hours of the day (peak hours). This eases the strain on the grid and ensures each electric vehicle gets dedicated charging time. This practice also leads to cheaper charging rates (demand response program).

Power Sharing: Shifting the peak demand from high demand to off-peak hours enables flattening the demand curve while maintaining the overall demand.

Sometimes, energy demand becomes overwhelming and might exceed its predefined limit. When this happens, smart charging temporarily reduces or suspends the EV charging session. When demand goes back under the limit, charging resumes.

Power Boost: A technique centered on shaving off the highest demand peaks while trimming the overall demand.

Fluctuating demand can require constant adjustments to energy flow in homes or office buildings. Smart charging intelligently adjusts the energy supply in such situations. While EVs can still charge during lower energy demand, flow is reduced or paused during energy surges.

Dynamic Power Sharing: Dynamically balancing the flow of electricity based on user-defined limits. It is a mix of Power Sharing and Power Boost.

How you can Benefit from Smart Charging

  • Utilities: Smart Charging breathes new life into utilities. It helps them develop energy systems that can withstand demand fluctuations. These systems can eliminate the need for frequent grid balancing in the long run.
  • Charging Operators: Charging Point Operators (CPOs) can leverage smart charging to manage multiple charging stations efficiently. Real-time control and usage insights simplify station management.
  • Businesses: Enterprises can enjoy the benefits of smart charging by setting energy usage limits and avoiding expensive peak charging remotely. For property managers, adopting this technology brings along an augmented value for their properties.
  • EV Owners: There is a plethora of advantages for EV owners. They can manage charging remotely, experience safe and secure charging, and set personalized energy thresholds. Powered by smart charging, they can contribute to increased energy efficiency and a cleaner world.

Embracing the Intelligence

Smart Charging seamlessly connects EVs, charging stations, and grids through data in a tech-driven world where innovation fuels progress. This guides optimal charging and electricity flow. As EV adoption grows, Smart Charging ensures a seamless experience for all.

How does Smart eMobility Help?

Smart eMobility offers a holistic solution for managing EV charging. Our unified and cohesive platform seamlessly integrates hardware, software, and services, elevating your charging experience with data-driven insights for real-time energy tracking and management. Whether on-site or remote, powered by AI-ML Analytics, our solution enhances the charging experience for businesses and end users.

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